
5 good reasons to visit Côte d'Ivoire this summer

With the hottest summer in decades, you'd be mad not to escape the heat and head north to Côte d'Ivoire. The country's popularity continues to grow as more and more travellers discover its incredible natural beauty, interesting culture and delicious cuisine. Here are five good reasons why you should visit this West African nation this summer.

Excellent food

Côte d'Ivoire is a culinary destination of choice, where you'll find a rich and innovative cuisine. Dishes often feature manioc, an essential ingredient in the local cuisine, and various legumes, known as beans. Fish, tofu and a variety of spices also feature in the diet. As far as drinks are concerned, the national beverage is coffee, which is prepared in roasted and unroasted varieties. Ivorians also enjoy rice dishes, and there are many rice dishes served with a wide variety of sauces. Côte d'Ivoire cuisine is also a fusion of many cuisines from around the world.

You'll be able to discover attiéké, kedjenou, aloko, bangui and more...

Breathtaking nature

The country has many magnificent lakes and dense forests. The southern region is home to many lakes, including the so-called Three Wise Men of the Gospel, Lake Accra, Lake Bui and Lake Yamoussoukro. The northern part is home to the immense forest of the Nimini Park, which is considered to be the second largest national park in Africa. The north is also home to the great Lake Nounou, which is the largest freshwater lake in West Africa. This is where you can find beautiful beaches and mangroves.

Learning French in one of the most beautiful countries in the world

Côte d'Ivoire is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Its architecture and culture are an important part of the country's rich heritage. Indeed, the country is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is renowned for its beautiful colonial buildings, many of which are now listed as historic monuments. Its rich culture also includes a number of beautiful monuments and works of art. Abidjan, is known as the garden of Robben Island because of its lush gardens and beautiful architecture. Throughout the country, you'll find French-influenced architecture and monuments, such as the town of Dougga, the town of Loum and the Yamoussoukro craft market. You will also find many local works of art, such as the paintings of the Gbaya and the endemic art of the Bakweri.

A popular tourist destination

With its blend of ancient history, stunning nature, French architecture and traditional culture, there's no doubt that Côte d'Ivoire is a popular tourist destination. The country has many fascinating tourist attractions, including the Great Mosque of Djenné, also known as the Mosque of the Niggaardane, built in the 13th century. Another interesting site is the Grande Bibliothèque d'Abidjan, which was founded in 1852. The country is also home to the Goutte d'Or mountain, the world's largest karst, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. For nature lovers, you can also visit Nimini Park, home to the indigenous Gbaya people, and Lake Nounou to see the beautiful beaches and mangroves.

Free art and culture

The country is a centre for the production of art and music. You can visit many of the country's cultural events and venues and enjoy performances by the country's renowned artists. The National Festival of Arts and Culture is held every year and attracts artists from many parts of the world, including Europe, America and Asia. The festival is an excellent opportunity to discover the country's rich culture, with folk art exhibitions, music concerts and traditional ceremonies. Another way to experience the local culture is to visit one of the many local markets, where you can pick up bargains on antiques, tribal art and food. You can also take part in one of the many cookery courses on offer in the country, where you can learn the basics of Ivorian cuisine.

Côte d'Ivoire is the ideal destination for nature lovers, art enthusiasts, history buffs and food lovers. While it's warm during the summer months, the country also offers plenty of winter activities, including skiing, diving and hiking. With its varied landscapes, beautiful culture and delicious cuisine, this West African nation is a great place to visit this summer.