
Do I need to print out my e-visa for Côte d'Ivoire?

Côte d'Ivoire, a country located in West Africa, is a popular destination for tourists from all over the world. Its heavenly beaches, rich culture and warm welcome attract thousands of travellers every year. To stay in this magnificent country, you need a visa. Fortunately, it is now possible to obtain an electronic visa for Côte d'Ivoire easily, thanks to the services offered by visa agencies and the official website of the SNEDAI (Société Nationale d'Edition de Documents Administratifs et d'Identification (National Company for the Publication of Administrative and Identification Documents)). But do you need to print out this precious sesame before you leave?

What is an e-visa for Côte d'Ivoire?

Le electronic visaalso known as e-visais a residence permit issued by the Ivorian authorities. It entitles the holder to enter and travel within the country for a specified period. The e-visa has several advantages:

  • Save time: no need to go to the embassy or consulate to obtain your visa.
  • Simplicity: the procedure is entirely online, from your computer or smartphone.
  • Speed: e-visa is generally issued within 48 hours, or even less for some specialist agencies.

To obtain an e-visa for Côte d'Ivoire, all you need to do is visit the official SNEDAI website or contact one of the following organisations online visa agency. You will need to fill in a form with your personal details and provide a few documents, such as your passport and a passport photo.

Is it necessary to print out your e-visa?

Once you've obtained your e-visa, it's natural to wonder whether you should print it out before setting off on your trip. Border controls can be strict, and it is essential to have all the necessary documents to avoid any complications.

Regulations in force

According to the Ivorian authorities, you must print out your e-visa before arriving in Côte d'Ivoire. This printed document must be presented to immigration officials when crossing the border, together with your valid passport. This rule applies whether you have obtained your e-visa via the official SNEDAI website or through a visa agency.

Consequences of not presenting the printed e-visa

If you forget or lose your printed e-visa, you may run into problems when you arrive in Côte d'Ivoire. Immigration officials may refuse you entry or force you to pay a fine to regularise your situation.

It is therefore essential to print out your e-visa and keep it with your other travel documents (passport, plane tickets, hotel reservations, etc.). To avoid any disappointment, it may be a good idea to make several copies of your e-visa, which you will keep in different places in your luggage.

How do I check the validity of my e-visa?

Once you have printed out your e-visa, we recommend that you check its validity before setting off on your trip. The items to check are :

  1. The start and end dates of the validity period Make sure that these dates correspond to your stay in Côte d'Ivoire.
  2. The personal data e-visa: check that all the information on the e-visa (surname, first name, date of birth, passport number, etc.) is correct and matches the information on your passport.

If you encounter any errors or problems with your e-visa, please contact the official SNEDAI website or the visa agency where you made your application. They will be able to provide you with the appropriate solutions to rectify your situation.