
How much does an electronic Ivorian visa cost?

Obtaining an e-visa has become an essential step when travelling abroad. Côte d'Ivoire is no exception to this rule, and also imposes conditions for the issue of this precious sesame. In this article, we'll explain how much an Ivorian e-visa costs and how to apply for one from specialist agencies or the official website.

What is an Ivorian e-visa?

The electronic visa, also known as the e-visa, is a dematerialised document that allows travellers to stay in Côte d'Ivoire for a set period of time. This type of visa simplifies administrative procedures, as it is no longer necessary to go to an embassy or consulate to obtain a paper visa. The Ivorian e-visa can be applied for online and is issued by email. It must be printed out and presented to the relevant authorities when entering the country.

The different types of Ivorian electronic visas

There is only one type of e-visa for Côte d'Ivoire:

  • Electronic visas (e-Visa) : It is valid for a maximum stay of 3 months and is used for tourist, family, professional or sporting activities.

How much does an electronic Ivorian visa cost?

The cost of an Ivorian e-visa has a consular tariff of 73,00 €excluding processing fees and bank charges.

Applying for an electronic Ivorian visa through a specialist agency

A number of agencies offer their services to help you apply for an electronic visa for Côte d'Ivoire. These agencies take care of all the administrative procedures and guarantee a rapid response. In return, they charge additional fees on top of the cost of the visa.

Advantages of using an agency

There are several advantages to using a specialist agency:

  • Time saving : the agency takes care of all the administrative formalities, saving travellers precious time.
  • Personalised follow-up : The agency supports applicants throughout the process and answers any questions they may have.
  • High success rate : agencies are familiar with the requirements of the Ivorian authorities and are therefore in a position to optimise the chances of obtaining a visa.

Disadvantages of using an agency

Although using an agency offers many advantages, there are also disadvantages to consider:

  • Additional cost : the service fee charged by the agency can be quite high and is added to the cost of the visa.

It is therefore important to choose your agency carefully and compare offers before applying for an electronic Ivorian visa.

Applying for an electronic Ivorian visa on the official website

Travellers can also apply for an e-visa directly on the official website of the SNEDAI (Société Nationale d'Édition de Documents Administratifs et d'Identification (National Company for the Publication of Administrative and Identification Documents)). This solution is often less expensive than going through an agency, but you have to take care of the administrative formalities yourself.

How do you go about it?

Here are the steps to follow to apply for an electronic Ivorian visa on the official website :

  1. Go to the SNEDAI website and create a user account.
  2. Fill in the online form with the required information (identity, passport, reason for stay, etc.).
  3. Download the necessary documents (passport photo, copy of passport, etc.).
  4. Pay the application fee online, usually by credit card.
  5. Wait for a response from the Ivorian authorities, which may take a few days.
  6. Print out the electronic visa received by email and present it when entering Côte d'Ivoire.